Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Meaning of Life

For centuries man has been trying to understand what the meaning of life is. It's like the ultimate question. Kind of like in the movie Hitch Hiker's Guide to The Galaxy, the answer is 42. The question with multiple answers. The thing is, I think there is one answer to this question, and the reason why we, as people, won't accept it, is because it's too simple. The answer is too simple that it can't possibly be the answer. It's just like the question about eternal life. God is giving you eternal life as a gift, but people think it too good to be true. The scoff and say, "Eternal life? Yeah right. Like I'm going to this great perfect place all because I believe. I don't buy it. Why would an all powerful God want to give me eternal life?" Or something along the lines of that. It's just too simple and easy for our minds to wrap around it.
So, back to this what is the meaning of life question. I looked it up in the dictionary. The Merriam-Webster's dictionary online says:

Main Entry: 1life
Pronunciation: \ˈlīf\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural lives \ˈlīvz\
Date: before 12th century
1 a: the quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body b: a principle or force that is considered to underlie the distinctive quality of animate beings c: an organismic state characterized by capacity for metabolism, growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction
2 a: the sequence of physical and mental experiences that make up the existence of an individual b: one or more aspects of the process of living.

The first definition states of being a live. Being a live and functioning, and doing things on our own. Breathing, eating, drinking, thinking, all of these state being a live. It's the second definition that I think states the meaning of life. The meaning of life is to live. Going through experiences, learning from mistakes, challenging yourself, anything! God gave us free will, we decide what we are going to do with our lives. It's that simple. Like I said about people, the answer is too simple, and I know why they say that. It's because that's not the answer they are looking for. When people ask what the meaning of life is, they are looking for an answer that states what they need to do in life. They are not looking for the meaning of life, that answer is simple. The question they are really looking for is: what is my purpose in life? Because the answer to that question is what they are looking for.

So, there you have it. That's my answer to the meaning of life.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Just a Little Update

I have no idea if you have been reading these or not, but in some weird way these journals are my letters to you about what's been going on over here. The last time I wrote a blog I was talking about how I was alone, and how I told a guy that I wasn't ready for a relationship. Well, more has happened since then (a lot more). I'm not so sure why I did, but I screwed up a friendship. How do I explain this all in a condense summary?
Basically, the guy that I turned down was still my friend afterward. We still continued to talk and all that. After talking for a while we came to an agreenment that we wouldn't date until I was out of highschool and he was willing to wait. There were major complications with my parents because they didn't approve and I was mad at them for not respecting my decision. It was a big mess. Eventually, they realized that they were overreacting and said that they will respect my decision. So, after all that was figured out. I went back to school. I saw him and we hung out a little bit. Not too much longer, I realized that he was a completely different online then he was in person. I also began to realized other traits about him that I didn't like.
I called it off. I told him that a relationship between us wouldn't work because of out differences. He said that he respected my opinion and left it at that. Well, I was mad. I was mad at him that he showed no emotion, of his arrogance, and many other things. I blogged about it in my livejournal. I was just venting and needed to get my thoughts out. I believe it was the next day when we talked again about why he acted the way he did, and he told me that he still liked me but he was willing just to be friends. So, that was sorted out.
But then on myspace I wanted people to read my writing so I referenced my friends through a blog on myspace about my livejournal, and I completely forgot about the journal I vented about him. When he read it he confronted me about it, and asked if that was the way I felt about him. I explained that some of the stuff was just a misunderstanding, but some of it was still true. He didn't talk to me after that.
Immediately I felt really bad for ever writing the journal. It was stupid of me for even posting it publicly where other people coud read it. This was just a big mistake that I made, and I felt horrible. When I saw him at school he didn't even look at me. He completely ignored me. The next day I wrote an apology letter to him through email. He responded saying that the ship has sailed. He has moved on. I have no idea if he has forgiven me or not. He hasn't talked to me at all. This has just been so complicated and frustrating that I'm glad it's over.
Even though, this thing has been a crazy mess that didn't have a happy ending, it did make me think and realize things about my life. For one: his friendship was so important to me, and I felt so bad about losing it, that I didn't realize the friends that I already had who had been with me through the whole thing. Also, my family supported me through it too. Another thing was that I realized that even though he isn't the one for me, he made think about what I really want in a guy. I also have to know about myself is that this is life. I will mess up and make mistakes. I will screw up friendships and I will hate myself for it, but I can't let it hold me back. I need to forgive myself. I can't punish myself for the years to come. It's not healthy, and even though this will scar my heart just like the other relationships and friendships, I have to move on. As hard as that may be, I must.

Anyway, that's a little update about myself. Like I said at the beginning of all of this, I have no idea if you read these blogs or not. I hope to see you soon. I miss you dreadfully.
