Monday, November 17, 2008

My First Memory

My first memory of you was when you hit me in the face with a baseball. It wasn't intentional but mom and dad talked to you anyway. That first memory didn't change who I view you today. We were young, and accident prone. My next memories of you were all the great times we had together as brother and sister during our childhood. You always looked out for me, and always cared. I can't imagine where I would be in life without you in it. My favorite memory of you was when we slowed danced together. There was no music, so sang a song you knew instead. I have loved that song ever since then. It reminds me of our relationship, and how much we understood each other. I remember out first fight. It was so silly and so stupid we laugh about it now. That was the only time we argued. I remember those years when it felt like you were stuck in a rut. Life seemed to be passing you by. I didn't understand what you were going through then, but I do understand it now. You were lonely, and possibly felt unloved. I know, because I am going through it right now. Then you met her. You didn't know it at the time, but she was your future wife. I remember when you asked me about her. If I like her or if she was a good person. I already loved her to death. She was like an older sister to me. When you started dating, it was difficult. Life was stressful, and you guys were struggling. I was afraid you would break up, but then you asked her to marry you. I was so excited. You were getting married. I remember the day of your guy's wedding. You looked so happy that day. All that planning before, and all the stress seemed to dissipate from your face. Now when I see you, you look so happy.

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